
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cherishing maturity gracefully

This past weekend, I had the honor and privilege of competing with some of the most amazing and beautiful women in the world in Fitness and Bikini at the Fitness America Pageant in Las Vegas, NV. I had full intentions of only competing in the fitness category, but on a whim and fluttering stomach, I made the very quick decision to compete in Bikini America. It was one of the best fitness decisions I have ever made; I had an absolute blast! I have found a new passion, and I fully intend to pursue this fun and vibrant category. The ladies are able to express themselves with passion and an underlying alter ego that is just fighting to come out to entertain. Some of the veterans were wonderful to assist me with the bikini and theme wear that is required for the part. I am very proud of my placement; I achieved 7th place out of eleven. To top that off, I placed in the top five for the very first time at a National fitness event -- I placed 5th place in Fitness America Classic (2nd place in swimsuit). Two of the most proud moments are when my husband tells everyone about his wife's fitness achievements, and the other one is my daughter posting on her Facebook for all to see how proud she is of her mom setting such an example of hard work, dedication, and goal setting for my grand kids. This makes it all worth it. What other 54 year young GiGi can say that? I am living the dream.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Competing in Fitness at 54!

I can't help it; I have to share. This is the week for both mental preparation as well as the physical aspect of competing in fitness at 54. I don't have doubts any more; I am passed all that. If I don't know it by now, then I don't have it -- and I do have "it." I feel strong, confident, and ready to compete with some of the most incredible women that I know. I will enjoy it, because they are my friends first, and then they are my competition. All we can do with anything that we approach in life is PREPARE, and that I have done for months now. The feeling is like none that I have ever known -- really hard to describe. Makes me sweat just thinking about it. When I get on the stage to share and entertain, it is exhilarating. The applause (and please do) just revs me up to do more, jump higher, and smile more. Still have to worry about the small things -- eyelashes, spray tan, and will my chicken stay cold enough. All in all -- I love it. What can I say. I leave this coming Friday for Colorado Springs to compete with an incredible group -- Triple-A, and I am really looking forward to it. I pray first for safety and then for success. Then it's off for an incredible event -- Fitness America Pageant Weekend in Las Vegas. WhoHoo

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How do you achieve your goals and reward yourself?

"I studied the small wins strategy years ago in school. Basically, we will do a little something every single day to meet our goal. It could be something as small as looking something up on the Internet referencing a healthy food to see the amount of vitamin content. The effort involved is a step toward meeting your goal for nutrition and exercise. So we will reward you, in our theory of a small wins strategy. It is based on dividing up a larger problem into limited units that can be attacked individually. You will feel empowered when you celebrate small wins towards the larger goal."

This is an excerpt from my book "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous" in the chapter regarding Goal Setting - The Process. Do you want to learn more exactly how to set a goal, achieve the goal, and then stick to it? Find out more at 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Do you have "invisible abs?"

"The key to keeping your mind, body, and spirit healthy and fit is to EXERCISE. Everyone wants to think it is as simple as buying one of those crazy machines you see on TV. This reminds me of that movie where the guy picks up the hitchhiker, and the guy is really nuts. He is telling the driver about a new invention he has, "The 7-Minute Abs." The driver asks him why it isn't called the "5-Minute Abs" or the "2-Minute Abs" or even the "1-Minute Abs?" You get the picture. It is easy to sell these contraptions, because people want the easy way out. I had the famous "Invisible Abs" -- you know, the "No-See Um Abs."

I hate to break it to you, but there is no easy way out. In order to stay fit and healthy, you gotta MOVE IT! There is no such thing as "spot-conditioning." Just by lying down and doing five minutes of abs on a roller or by sitting in a metal chair raising your legs up and down will not get you a terrific set of abs, you have to perform all-over body conditioning for your entire core muscles and eat properly."

This is an excerpt taken directly from my book. If you would like to read more from "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous," check out

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fitness is for Any Age: What are Dreams made of?

Fitness is for Any Age: What are Dreams made of?: "Dreams are what influences a child to have imaginary friends. Dreams are what makes a teenager want the perfect family life with the white p..."

What are Dreams made of?

Dreams are what influences a child to have imaginary friends. Dreams are what makes a teenager want the perfect family life with the white picket fence. Dreams are what makes young people think about becoming President. Dreams are what makes us always want better for ourselves and our families and strive for excellence. Dreams are what I have each and every single day of my life. Dreams are actually what keeps us growing and  becoming what we expect of ourselves and what others dream and aspire for us. Dreams give us something to hope for. Dreams are what influenced me to compete in fitness. Dreams are what inspired my first book. That's what dreams are made of. I just had one of the most incredible experiences of my entire lifetime. Competing with some of the most gorgeous, talented, and athletic women in the world at Ms. Fitness USA in Reno, Nevada was an experience that I will never forget. I dreamed about being on the stage when I had a defining moment one day and decided to make it a reality; isn't that the way it is supposed to happen? Isn't that how dreams work? If you dream it, believe it, and then make it happen -- that's what dreams are made of. It all started with a defining moment (an idea) and then a strong belief in oneself and the rest is history. How about you? Are you living your dreams? Think about it for a moment. Ever thought about an idea you once had and said "I could do something like that." Well, I ask why not? Try it! I am living my dreams, and it is a feeling I cannot hardly describe. I am having that same feeling about my second book -- the next dream . . . Won't you join me?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fitness is for Any Age: 1st Place Fitness - TX Classic July 31

Fitness is for Any Age: 1st Place Fitness - TX Classic July 31: "How often does this happen? GiGi gets to perform a Fitness Routine 'Wild Thang' with Granddaughter sitting on the front row with her mama (m..."

1st Place Fitness - TX Classic July 31

How often does this happen? GiGi gets to perform a Fitness Routine "Wild Thang" with Granddaughter sitting on the front row with her mama (my gorgeous daughter) right behind her. It was so cool watching her facial expressions change with each competitor when they walked out on stage to do "their thing." When all the male bodybuilders came out, it was hilarious. She didn't know quite what to think with all those muscles. Then with all the pretty girls and the wonderful swimsuits on with all the bling -- her eyes just got bigger and bigger. I could see her little face with each move of my routine, and I watched her eyes as I came around to do the kicks and rolls. Her greatest joy was saying to her mama "GiGi can teach me how to do a toe-touch." She was referring to my V-Jump, where by the way my daughter told me very proudly that my toes were pointed and I actually touched them. I don't quite frankly don't remember a thing! When you are performing, sometimes it is a complete blur. This is a moment that I'll never forget. At 54, it is one to chalk up in the textbook of "greatest moments" -- performing with my family -- my granddaughter -- front and center. To be able to see all the pictures, click the link.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Competition - next weekend July 31st

Totally excited! I'll be competing for the first time with my new routine and new outfit this coming weekend, July 31st just outside of Ft. Worth at The Sterling Building on Kroger Street. You can click on to my website for complete details under the competitions tab. There will also be muscle, figure, bikini, and of course Fitness. I'd love to see everyone's smiling faces and hear your cheers. If not, please keep me in your thoughts. It is not always about winning truly; it is about being in the moment. When I walk out on the stage - I own it! The minute I hit the stage, I am a winner no matter what just because I am there. All that being said, I am still a competitor - which is why I love coming home with the trophy - nothing wrong with that.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ms Fitness USA new costume

I am so excited. I went today to see my new costume design for the upcoming fitness competition in Reno, and it is EXACTLY what I had imagined and more! I can't release the exact details, because I want all of you to be as surprised and excited as I am. Trust me, I am dealing with the best designer in Dallas, TX and she has made my costumes for five years now. The costume fits my routine, which by the way - I NAILED IT TODAY! Stay tuned for updates; I pick it up next Monday. The attached pictures are not my "costume." This is the most incredible time away in the mountains with my baby Toy Miniature Schnauzer "Harley."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do you ever get the feeling that . . .?

Do you ever get the feeling that if you lose weight, you really won't be the same? You might think differently about yourself. Your friends may look at you differently. Your spouse or significant other may not be able to relate to you anymore. I interviewed a lot of individuals while writing my book about this subject, and the feelings are so true. Anytime we may a change to ourselves, whether it be in our appearance or our approach to life, we feel concern how others may view us. Ladies and Gentlemen, please don't allow others to influence your decisions about your good health choices. If losing weight is something that could potentially save your life, help you become healthier, feel younger and more attractive, or just to fit in that favorite pair of old jeans -- then go for it! This is your choice. I am not saying anything negative about the choice to do otherwise, because that is your choice also. However, if making a change in your lifestyle produces a weight reduction, then go for it and don't allow anyone else to set your limitations. The people that I spoke with during my journey of writing my book were concerned about this very topic. I have heard the people treat them differently after they lose weight; there is even jealousy and resentment. There was one lady that I spoke with that said her husband would basically encourage her to eat more of the bad stuff and say bad things to her to discourage her. When we decide to make life changes including our appearance, health, education, careers, we may encounter jealousy and resentment. I have experienced this when walking into a gathering that is for mainly for people over 50, and they find out what I do (Fitness Competitor) and see me. I have been treated differently; the women sometimes won't talk to me and they are uncomfortable -- this is sad. I want to talk and share like anyone else; I just have different goals and ambitions for myself. I encourage anyone reading this to go with your instincts, ambitions, and desires to better yourself. Life a healthier lifestyle -- make changes for the better. You'll love it as I do.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fitness Over 50 article

What a BEAUTIFUL article that Peter with FITNESS OVER 50 just published about me -- I am in awe and must share!!!! He did an incredible job with presenting how being over 50 is one of the best times of our life and we should cherish every moment. Let me know what you think and visit Peter's gorgeous website by clicking the Fitness Over 50 link below.

 Fitness Over 50

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Grandparents everywhere - listen up!

This conversation is for every single grandparent in the world. I just returned from my grandbaby's 4th Birthday Party where my other grandbaby, who is eight, was in attendance along with my beautiful daughter and her incredible husband. What an exciting feeling to be able to watch your grandchildren grow up healthy and strong and to ALSO be healthy and strong. This should be a wake up call for each of you to make better health choices nutrition-wise and exercise. This is your prescription to a longer life. Think about it. Do you want to watch them grow up; do you want to participate with them when they are running and playing; do you want to be there to watch them graduate and get married and have a family of their own? If you are thinking Yes, then this message is speaking loud and clear to you. Make some life changes for a healthier lifestyle -- now. Do it for you. I am so grateful that God has granted me the health, endurance, determination, and inspiration to tell others about my blessings. I am a Fitness Competitor at 54! I am a book author, and I am loving life and living my dream. Visit me at or to learn about my new book "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Viva - Reno Baby!

I am getting ready each day with my preparation for Ms Fitness USA coming up the week of August 17th with the big show being on August 20th for the nation's most beautiful and athletic women you have ever seen. You really must check out this show - if not anything at all just to see how a women at 54 trains to compete in this incredible national competition. I am in the midst of learning my new routine (it's a secret); my new costume is being designed; and my music is to die for. I am also watching my nutrition closely trying my best to cut back on my favorite -- Dark Chocolate!!!! Please cheer me on.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fitness Costume for 2010

I have to share - I am so excited. I met my costume designer today, Terra Watson of, and the outfit is going to be smokin and hot. Can't release details yet, but you'll love it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fitness Competitor celebrates 54!!!!

 I am so excited that another article was accepted by Magazine in celebration of my 54th birthday. Please click the link to read and enjoy.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Fitness Connections

It is beginning to feel like our world is totally run by posts, websites, blogs, search engines, etc -- all from our chairs and computers. It's true, and I love it. I have been updating my websites, blogs, and my Fitness Connections all morning. I can share with the world the gift of health, inspiration, and also lifting others up so they too can be recognized for their wonderful achievements. I have updated my main website again today and you really must see it

Make sure to visit my Fitness Connection buddies on the fitness tab. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TV appearance for Channel 11

Tune in with Triple F on Wednesday, May 19th, at 4:30 p.m. CST to talk about "Get Healthy Texas." This will be a FUN spot to learn about nutrition, fitness, and of course show you an exercise move. You can click on the attached link and then on follow the links to live TV to see me! -

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Book Signing

THANK YOU so much EpiCentre Legacy for hosting the best and largest book signing ever for "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous." Thanks to all my friends that came to support the event, and thank you for my new friends that attended. Look for the next book signing to be held in the near future in support of the Susan G. Komen Breast Walk.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There is still time!!! Book Signing tomorrow night at EpiCentre Legacy in Plano TX. 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. for "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous." Log onto - Fitness Connection page for more information and location.

Monday, May 10, 2010

BOOK SIGNING May 13th at 6:30-8:30 p.m.

What: Book Signing for Sharon Simmons, author of "Triple F - Fifty, Fit and Fabulous" - When: Thursday, May 13th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm - Where: EpiCentre Legacy, 5425 Spring Creek Parkway, Suite 105, Plano, TX 75024

Thursday, May 6, 2010

BOOK SIGNING - Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous- hosted by EpiCentre Legacy, Plano TX- 5/13/10, 6:30-8:30 p.m. - The guest list is growing, and I would love to see you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BOOK SIGNING - Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous

Incredible news!!!! EpiCentre Legacy, Plano, Texas, will host a book signing for Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous on Thursday evening, May 13th, 6:30-8:30 p.m. This will prove to be a wonderful gathering with refreshments, great company, meet new friends, try new products, and visit with the AUTHOR of Triple F!!!!! For more information, you can visit EpiCentre for directions.
or - Fitness Connections page. The book is also available through Hurry - Great Mother's Day gifts.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mushrooms anyone?

I just read some very interesting news about mushrooms -- Sun-Bella Mushrooms to be exact. Mushrooms are the only plant-based food group that contain Vitamin D naturally -- really. Once they harvest these luscious Sun-Bella mushrooms, they expose them to ultraviolet light which provides a three-ounce serving of 100% of the daily value of Vitamin D. If you don't have enough of this precious vitamin in your bloodstream, it could be more difficult to lose weight, especially fat. Plus, with insufficient amount of Vitamin D, this has been linked to obesity and abdominal fat!!! Ladies and Gentlemen -- wash a mushroom today and put over salad, steam, or saute. Delicious and healthy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

New article from

Hey gang! It's me again. Have you ever considered writing - just for the fun of it? It is easy; just pick up a pen or start typing. It is a wonderful way to share you thoughts, dreams, and aspirations.

Another article - Inspirational

Have you ever thought about writing? Most of you have. It is as easy as picking up a pen or simply typing out your thoughts. It is an inner expression of your thoughts, desires, inner dreams, and of course the things you want to share with others and hope they'll share their thoughts too. Take a look at the latest article that published.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

TV interview

This is too cool!!! This afternoon, I was interviewed by Tracy Kornet of Channel 11 at 4:30 p.m. I am posting the link so you can share in my excitement. This is a first for my book "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Television Appearance

Absolutely the coolest thing that has happened to me in a very long time. I was contacted by KTVT CBS Channel 11's Executive Producer to be a guest on their News and Lifestyle segment airing on Monday, February 8th at 4:30 p.m. I will be talking about my first book "Triple F - Fifty Fit and Fabulous." I'll share the secrets of being a fitness competitor at 53, competition secrets including nutrition and exercise, and I'll even perform some of my favorite training moves. This is a must see -- join me and watch or make sure to record it!