
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Do you look your age and/or feel your age?

Today, one of my team members from my "real job" made a comment that was age related about me competing, and he very quickly said "But Sharon, I don't think of you as being 55 -- EVER! I think of you as much younger." How old do you feel? How old do you think you look? If you feel very positive about both, then you are good to go. If you have any uncomfortable feelings about either question, then it's time to examine why and then make some positive changes. It may involve a simply make-over (hair, skin treatment, nails, grooming things . . .). If you feel older than your age, then that could be detrimental to your lifespan. Maybe it is time to examine your nutrition plan, your workout plan (if you have one), and finally your view of yourself in general. Appreciate who you are is number one. If you make changes, make them positive first for you and then for your family. They love you and want you around for a very long time, so do them a favor and really dig deep inside and ask these two simple questions.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Goodness -- you are NEVER too old!

Absolutely one of the most awesome feelings in the world! My routine was flawless (according to my choreographer) when I was the very first competitor out on stage in Hermosa Beach, earning the Title Ms. Southern California Fitness Classic.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Active over 50!

ICAA's (International Council on Active Aging) Active Aging Week is celebrated from September 25th through October 1st. So get ready everyone over 50, and let's show the kids how it's done. If you are already active, step it up a notch. If you don't already have an exercise program, research now so you can join in the fun on September 25th. It could be a new beginning for a healthy lifestyle; something you'll never regret.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Success - What Does it Mean to You?

Having heard and seen other people's success stories this week made me ask -- What Does Success Mean to Me ----- and to You? To me, my success comes from doing what I want to do and loving it. I don't measure it by how much money I make at this point in my life (although it certainly doesn't hurt). Success to me is the ability to live my life and enjoy others and things around me -- sometimes seeing things in this perspective for the very first time. It means that I am appreciating things that maybe before I didn't feel was important or I simply didn't even notice. Success to me means going to a job that I enjoy doing, earning a competitive wage, doing a job that I am proud of and enjoy the people that I work with. Success is appreciating family members for who they are now and not what I want them to be. Success to me is striving for excellence in all that I do in the hope that I might influence others around me to do the same. While I will always strive to be better in all that I do (it is inherent), I feel satisfied. I am successful. How about you? FiftyFitFabulous

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ms Fitness Magazine article

Check it out!!!! Ms Fitness Magazine 2011 Summer edition featuring incredible women "Fit Over Forty" and me -- over 50!!!! How awesome is that? Tell me - now are you motivated? It is never too late to get fit and healthy. Start today and make some changes for a new you. Start today with a new beginning and commitment. Grab this very moment, because it is THE defining moment. You know the one you dream about. Make it happen. Remember opportunity only knocks once or twice; don't let this one pass by. The Book's Secrets

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photo Shoot with Agent


I had my first photo shoot with my new agent this past weekend, and it was very different from what I am used to with a fitness shoot -- corporate and professional. You have to consider -- "What is the goal?" Then make your shoot all it can be. I want to land a part, and my agent is trying to make that happen for me. Thanks so much for everyone that is supporting my efforts. Remember, if there is a dream that you haven't realized yet, make it happen! Click the below link to view the first run photos.

Photo Shoot

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Cool Mother's Day idea -- give the gift that could help change Mom's lifestyle and life longer. Also, a great idea for any woman trying to get motivated to make healthy changes and don't know where to begin. I am a Mom and a Grandmother :)Mother's Day Gift

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sharon joins a national Talent and Modeling Agency!!!!

Very exciting news!!! I have joined a national talent and modeling agency -- Exxcel Talent & Modeling Agency. Attended a training recently with a New York Director, and I have a photo shoot coming up next month. Stay tuned