
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fitness is for Any Age: What are Dreams made of?

Fitness is for Any Age: What are Dreams made of?: "Dreams are what influences a child to have imaginary friends. Dreams are what makes a teenager want the perfect family life with the white p..."

What are Dreams made of?

Dreams are what influences a child to have imaginary friends. Dreams are what makes a teenager want the perfect family life with the white picket fence. Dreams are what makes young people think about becoming President. Dreams are what makes us always want better for ourselves and our families and strive for excellence. Dreams are what I have each and every single day of my life. Dreams are actually what keeps us growing and  becoming what we expect of ourselves and what others dream and aspire for us. Dreams give us something to hope for. Dreams are what influenced me to compete in fitness. Dreams are what inspired my first book. That's what dreams are made of. I just had one of the most incredible experiences of my entire lifetime. Competing with some of the most gorgeous, talented, and athletic women in the world at Ms. Fitness USA in Reno, Nevada was an experience that I will never forget. I dreamed about being on the stage when I had a defining moment one day and decided to make it a reality; isn't that the way it is supposed to happen? Isn't that how dreams work? If you dream it, believe it, and then make it happen -- that's what dreams are made of. It all started with a defining moment (an idea) and then a strong belief in oneself and the rest is history. How about you? Are you living your dreams? Think about it for a moment. Ever thought about an idea you once had and said "I could do something like that." Well, I ask why not? Try it! I am living my dreams, and it is a feeling I cannot hardly describe. I am having that same feeling about my second book -- the next dream . . . Won't you join me?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fitness is for Any Age: 1st Place Fitness - TX Classic July 31

Fitness is for Any Age: 1st Place Fitness - TX Classic July 31: "How often does this happen? GiGi gets to perform a Fitness Routine 'Wild Thang' with Granddaughter sitting on the front row with her mama (m..."

1st Place Fitness - TX Classic July 31

How often does this happen? GiGi gets to perform a Fitness Routine "Wild Thang" with Granddaughter sitting on the front row with her mama (my gorgeous daughter) right behind her. It was so cool watching her facial expressions change with each competitor when they walked out on stage to do "their thing." When all the male bodybuilders came out, it was hilarious. She didn't know quite what to think with all those muscles. Then with all the pretty girls and the wonderful swimsuits on with all the bling -- her eyes just got bigger and bigger. I could see her little face with each move of my routine, and I watched her eyes as I came around to do the kicks and rolls. Her greatest joy was saying to her mama "GiGi can teach me how to do a toe-touch." She was referring to my V-Jump, where by the way my daughter told me very proudly that my toes were pointed and I actually touched them. I don't quite frankly don't remember a thing! When you are performing, sometimes it is a complete blur. This is a moment that I'll never forget. At 54, it is one to chalk up in the textbook of "greatest moments" -- performing with my family -- my granddaughter -- front and center. To be able to see all the pictures, click the link.